Girls Rock Philly is embarking on a Name Change Process!

We know that this is pretty significant news and we’re sure you have a ton of questions! We (GRP Staff and Board) compiled a list of most anticipated questions and did our best to respond to them.

Is Girls Rock Philly changing its name to be more inclusive?

During this name change process, we (GRP Co-Directors and Board) hope to stay away from using the word inclusive because we believe that the concept of inclusion implies that cis women are at the center and hold the power in decision-making about who is “allowed into the accepted circle.” We strive for a name change process that does not simply “include,” but radically evolves how power is distributed and shared equitably by all marginalized gender identities throughout the organization. We strive to use language that centers and celebrates trans and gender expansive people.

Will cis girls and cis women still be welcomed in the space?

Yes, affirming trans and gender expansive identities doesn’t mean excluding cis girls and women. Our objective in changing our name is to celebrate trans and gender expansive identities, rather than to disempower cis girls and cis women.

Does this mean we are allowing cis boys to be participants in programming?

The short answer is: GRP remains a place by and for folks with marginalized genders and identities. If a cis boy or cis man is questioning/exploring their gender, we won’t exclude them from camp: if you think you belong, you belong. We don’t want to be gatekeepers or box anyone into prescribed genders. We center marginalized identities.

The longer answer is: We recognize that gender justice and gender liberation is complex -- cis boys and cis men have been supporting the mission of GRP since our beginnings. Cis men have historically been welcomed into camp space as behind-the-scenes volunteers. More recently, trans masculine volunteers have also asked us which roles are appropriate for them to take on at camp.

We believe that this name change process is the perfect time for our community members to re-engage with a long-overdue conversation about who we center at GRP and how folks of other gender identities can still support our work. This is not a decision that is appropriate for Staff and Board to make alone.

The future we dream of is equitable for all, regardless of a person’s gender identity. Our future vocabulary exists beyond a gender binary. Until then, we are committed to having challenging and messy conversations with our community members about how to move towards gender liberation without perpetuating or passively enabling the harmful dynamics of patriarchy and toxic masculinity.

Will we still have rock camp?

Yes! What better way to exercise fearless expression, artistic experimentation, and collective care than rock camp? If and when the world allows for us to be in person again, we are planning to hold in-person rock camp again.

Are the organization’s mission and values changing?

No, we’re only strengthening our commitment to gender self-determination as an aspect of gender justice. Our mission and values have evolved over the past several years toward explicit trans affirmation and our name hasn’t caught up to adequately represent this shift.

Our mission remains to foster a joyful culture of creativity, critical thinking, and collective care in order to build a more safe and equitable world. We’re removing the ambiguity as we aim to be crystal clear in affirming trans and gender expansive identities.

What are we changing the name to? Or what options are we considering?

We want our new name to come from community dialogue. It’s not a decision for staff and board to make without the input of our community members. We are hiring a facilitator to lead us all through a year-long decision-making process.

How can I have my feedback heard on this topic?

In early 2021, we’ll begin the process of determining a new name for the organization. At that time, we’ll host a series of feedback sessions and offer opportunities like surveys for contributing ideas. While we aren’t responding to name change feedback now, you can send any comments and questions to When we begin work with the facilitator in 2021, we’ll review all the feedback we’ve received.

How long do you anticipate the name change process taking?

We anticipate the name change process to continue through Fall 2021. In addition to determining and deciding on the name itself, there are many behind-the-scenes aspects of a name change (for example: website, legal documents, logo) that will take time. We’re giving ourselves until December 2022 to make these administrative changes step-by-step.

Will we still be a part of the international movement of Rock Camps? (Girls Rock Camp Alliance)

Yes! This name change conversation is not unique to our camp -- it is a conversation happening in rock camps all over the country and all over the world!

I support the name change and I’m noticing feelings of grief come up for me. Will we be able to honor the history and legacy of Girls Rock Philly and evolve at the same time?

Our work at GRP has always been about being brave and vulnerable in the face of change and transformation. Every rock camp, every showcase, every workshop, we empower each other to name our truths out loud and to let ourselves be moved by the power of the unknown. This moment is no different! No matter how exciting a change may be, we want to make room for our full complex humanity -- that means making room for all of the grief, the nervousness, the fear, the sadness, the disappointment, the anger that may arise alongside the “positive” emotions. We’ll be the first to admit, it is scary to move into the unknown. That said, we’ve outgrown this name and we know it’s time.

The history and legacy of GRP is profoundly sacred and important to all of us. GRP is a part of who so many of us are and we celebrate the giants whose shoulders we stand on. Our collective memories at GRP can never be taken from us -- our experiences will not be discounted, erased or forgotten. We will keep these memories and what we’ve learned close to us as we embark on the next chapter, together.

Change has been happening this entire time. The essence of camp will not be radically different. We are just finding a new way to more appropriately name the magic that we already are. We’re proud of where we started and how far we’ve come… and we’re still growing.

Will it be wrong to wear my GRP shirt after we've changed our name?

Not at all! We want to embrace our history and our legacy in order to honor the lineage from which we’ve come. We don’t want to erase our past. If anything, it’s a great conversation starter and will enable dialogue about the nuances of gender with someone who sees your shirt!

How can I apply to be a facilitator for this name change process?

If you're interested in applying to be a hired facilitator for this process, you can learn more about the position and apply here by 5PM EST on Friday, December 11th.